SeaStone Backsplash

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Concrete is very trendy, it's a great idea to add an edgy feel to the space, using concrete backsplashes adds texture and depth to the decor. Not only is it great for industrial or minimalist spaces, it is also used in many other kitchens: in modern kitchens, art deco, vintage and many other kitchens.

SeaStone Concrete has many different looks: it can take all shapes, stains, textures and finishes, so you will be able to find something suitable for every style of kitchen.

SeaStone Concrete is not expensive, compared to marble, quartz and other expensive solutions, I can say that this is a budget-friendly option, especially if you buy the ready-made back walls from SeaStone. SeaStone produces everything in-house so that only the installation has to take place.

Do you want to become a dealer of our kitchen splashbacks made of real concrete?

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